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Steve's Teeth In A Day Case Study

Steve. Meet Steve. Steve visited Care Dental Surgery for a free consultation with concerns for his overall oral health, as well as the struggles he has to endure on a daily basis, such as; Struggling to eat certain foods (often his favourite foods). Constantly battling with his loose, slippery dentures. A lack of self-confidence when smiling/laughing with friends and family. Once we completed a full case assessment including scans, it was time to provide Steve with his quotation and begin planning a date for his 'fixed teeth in a day' procedure.

Steve was in and out of Care Dental Surgery in just over 3 hours. Steve was under a dreamy state of sedation which meant he didn’t feel or remember much at all. All he knew when he came around, was he had a brand new set of fixed teeth. Once again, thank you to Steve for allowing us to document his fantastic journey thus far.

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